
Who is John Titor?

Who When
Background image


From November 2000 to March 2001, a mysterious person began posting on various online forums, including at TimeTravelForum.com and Art Bell's Post2Post, claiming that he was a time traveling 'temporal' soldier in the US Army from the year 2036.

During this time (2000-2001), Titor shared his claims of being a time traveler from the year 2036, and provided detailed descriptions of his experiences and the world he came from. He also made predictions about future events, including the rise of the internet, the fall of the US dollar, and the outbreak of a worldwide pandemic.

From November 2000 to March 2001, a mysterious person began posting on various online forums, including at TimeTravelForum.com and Art Bell's Post2Post, claiming that he was a time traveling 'temporal' soldier in the US Army from the year 2036.

During this time (2000-2001), Titor shared his claims of being a time traveler from the year 2036, and provided detailed descriptions of his experiences and the world he came from. He also made predictions about future events, including the rise of the internet, the fall of the US dollar, and the outbreak of a worldwide pandemic.

Possible Suspects


Is this for real?

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Ever find yourself staring at your computer screen a good laugh yourself star your computer.



The mystery of the forgotten

Missing Wallet

If you think on your feet and read between the lines, you might discover the keys to this mysterious wallet

  • Icon Everyone has a piece of the puzzle
  • Icon Finders keepers, Losers Weepers
  • Icon Protect The Identity




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In eu porttitor enim. Phasellus ac tincidunt ex, in venenatis est. Praesent commodo aliquet nulla, sit amet euismod se


Received Thing's

In eu porttitor enim. Phasellus ac tincidunt ex, in venenatis est. Praesent commodo aliquet nulla, sit amet euismod se


The mystery of the forgotten

Total Supply

If you think on your feet and read between the lines, you might discover the keys to this mysterious wallet

  • Icon Everyone has a piece of the puzzle
  • Icon Finders keepers, Losers Weepers
  • Icon Protect The Identity